Sunday, January 13, 2008

Things I Will Never Do Again In the U.S.

Once is enough. I could say this to the items listed here, These are trips and gigs that I will never do again. EVER.

1. Waiting in line for Thanksgiving.
Just twenty percent discount?? After half an hour in the freezing weather?? C'mon, there must be a better deal than that in Circuit City! We were aiming for the $300 laptop but I guess the people who camped out for 24 hours for this will be the first ones hawk-eyeing that piece of bargain. Not to mention the 15+ people in front of us who froze their asses by standing in line for more than 30 minutes. Okay. Considering the cheapskate that I am, I might do this again, IF--the weather is fine. Let's see next year.

2. Cross country drive to California
I just couldnt stand to look at deserts, shrubs and roadsigns for more than 3 hours. The endless deserts of New Mexico and San Bernardino, CA just killed me. Westward drive is also a bad idea for the skin, too. The sun is directly is in front and yes, after driving through the desert for 4 hours does leave it mark: a burned tan from the level of the armpits down to the knees. Okay, Considering my outgoing nature, I would consider doing this again, IF--the drive starts from the West Coast and well above seventy years old of age because 1), my skin won't be any better and 2), time seems to be faster when youre past that age.

3. New Year in Time's Square
Not peeing for four hours due to the anticipation of a giant disco ball descends to signal the start of the year is not entirely how I wanted to do my New Year in the city ever since I agreed to do it in 2004 It was fun, though, because I went there with friends. Okay. This one is non-negotiable--never going to do it again.. Unless I come in a limo.

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