Friday, April 06, 2007

Everyone Drives In Pennsylvania

I can't believe its snowing again!! Here in Pennsylvania, its 20-30 degrees outside!! Gosh, I was welcoming spring when I came here. I'm missing FL already. I decided on a few things already which is a big step for me -- indecisive and no-good me. I'm taking the Step 3 exam which I just decided a while ago. The fee stings in the ass but my dad will pay for it (again) and will keep it on my tab. I don't want to burn some more green money (they're green but they ain't growin from trees!) so I need to bury my head in books. So, it doesn't matter where I end up--NY or PA--I just need some quiet time to prepare for the exam.

It sucks to realize that my money, you know when I get started with a job, will not stay in my pocket for LONG. I have a whole paper ROLL of tabs to pay. Greeaaat.

It's hard to believe but four of my good old college friends are here. So I took some pictures of them in the car. We knew each other for a good 12 years now (I counted). Now, they work in the SAME hospital system. How cool is that? I just wish I could go here too...well, I just wish to have a job. Nebraska doesn't sound bad this time. And Lansing, Michigan sounds like a good time. Haha.

You're right, I'm getting fat. Oh please, dont click the pictures and look at it in a bigger size (please, I beg you, refrain from that idea)...I'm putting on some weight and that wretched double chin is all I get from my pictures. Oh well. Kit is feeding me too much food here. Last night, we ate Korean barbeque. So far, I had Green curry, lengua estofado (in another friend's place) and oh-so-yummy standing beef roast for dinner since I came here. All those food is really destroying me. I should have taken pictures, though. NYPD style -- the row of culprits for my weight gain.

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