Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finally, I Got My Papers In

After the distasteful encounter with BossShitCrap, I was able to turn my papers in, finally. It will take a week before it comes out, but at least they didn't give me a hard time this time. PRC was another damn marketplace yesterday and I really thought I'll be spending the rest of the afternoon there. There's a gay guy in the legal department who was so mean and snubbish but I didn't bother to make a big fuss out of it. I recognize him from the Step class I used to attend in Fitness First. Maybe he recognized me, too. I never had a word with him...maybe that's why.

Anyway, I made a point that I am totally free of any responsibilities yesterday. I also set my mind not to get mad to anyone. I listened to Sweeney Todd all the way to PRC (Sondheim always makes my day. Always.) and just kept smiling to myself. I may look like a loon but it kept my sanity safe. I never raised my voice to the PRC people despite the wrong lines they kept sending me. Nor to the fat, old, mean gay guy in the legal department. I was totally calm. In another bitch moment, I would have done my asanas in the middle of the floor. It was a matter of mind set and a little tickle on your good chakras. Haha.

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